I am senior programme officer at the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO) responsible for the coordination for the Dutch National Roadmap for Large Research Infrastructures and for advising on international social sciences and humanities policy and implementation. In the later remit, I am a Dutch delegate of the H2020 Challenge 6 Programme Committee and Member of the Advisory Board of Net4Society and of the international SHAPE-ID programme.
Strengthening the research infrastructure for social sciences and humanities has been a core task of mine for about 10 years that I have pursued in several international capacities: ESFRI Strategic Working Group Social and Cultural Innovation; Governing Board of the CLARIN ERIC; Governing Board of the DARIAH ERIC (currently vice chair); Stakeholder Advisory Board of E-RIHS.
As of October 2019, I have extended my infrastructure responsibilities to cover the whole science domain and have become the coordinator for the process leading to the new Dutch Roadmap for Large-scale Research Infrastructures and its related funding competitions.