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European RIs against COVID-19 pandemic

ESFRI is helping the scientific community by aggregating information about dedicated services offered by Research Infrastructures.

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Taking Europe to the forefront of Science Technology Innovation

ESFRI supports a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe, and facilitates multilateral initiatives leading to the better use and development of research infrastructures, at EU and international level. Following a vision for sustainable policies and funding, ESFRI updates the European Roadmap for research Infrastructures systematically.



of Scientific Excellence


established as major elements of competitiveness of the ERA


representing 36 countries

Co-creating the future of RIs: Your contribution is valuable

ESFRI's ambitious 2-year Workplan is now entering into a phase, with dedicated ESFRI expert groups actively working to propose action plans for ESFRI and the broader RI community, addressing pressing issues.